Wednesday, July 1, 2009


"Ii" things and activities that start with "Ii".

Happy Independence Day!
Instruments: Caleb-Drums, Tatiana-Saxophone,
Shelby-Guitar, Shayna-Tambourine, and Desiree-Piano.

Iguana and Desiree Itching her side.

Caleb-40 Inches, Desiree-43 Inches, Tatiana-35 Inches

Imaginary Ice Skating and an Imaginary Igloo.

Ice Cream
Speaking of Ice sister Joy who follows my Blog
and who got me started Blogging sent me a recipe for homemade
Ice Cream since we were on the letter "Ii". I did not have all the
Ingredients but was surprised my sister knew what letter came after
H (JK ~ we only say that because she named her son ~ Aiden Bennett-
Charles Dale Eugene Fredrick Glen Howse). Anyways here is the recipe:

Place the following ingredients in a quart-size ziploc bag and then seal
1 cup whole milk
1 tsp. vanilla
2 Tbsp. sugar

Combine 4 cups of ice and 1/4 cup Kosher salt in a gallon-sized ziploc bag.
Place the smaller bag with the ice cream mixture inside the larger bag and then seal the larger bag
Shake the larger bag vigorously for 6-8 minutes. Avoid squeezing the bag.
Your ice cream is ready when the smaller bag gets plump and pillowy.
Remove the smaller bag and carefully wipe off any ice and salt.
Serve right away as a soft ice cream or pop the bag in the freezer for 20 mins. or so to make it harder.

Barney says "Just use your Imagination"
The letter "I" and the "Ii" book.

1 comment:

Joy Howse said...

Incredibly interesting and innovative (in real words, love it.) :)