Friday, April 3, 2009

An apple a day!

Tatiana and her Gala apple.
Desiree and her Granny Smith apple.
Caleb and his Granny Smith apple.
Growing up we were told ~ "an apple a day keeps the doctor away".
The children and I have not been feeling well so we will give it a try.
Plus the kids all love apples, I think it is in their genes...
my grandparents have a apple orchard in Ohio.
We love all kinds of apples but my favorite is Granny Smith,
Charles likes Gala, and the children will eat any kind
as long as they can have their own to hold.

1 comment:

Joy Howse said...

Those are my top two favorite kind of apples too. But granny smith wins out as number one. Hope everyone is feeling 100% soon.